Phone: 0274579480

Disclosure: Financial Advice Provider

Assura Group Limited is a Licensed Financial Advice Provider issued by the FMA to provide financial advice services. The Financial Services Provider number is FSP 720291.

Disclosure: Financial Adviser

Jane Eschenbach is your Financial Adviser (FSP 80222) and she is providing the advice on behalf of Assura Group Limited.

Nature & scope of financial advice services

Our services

Products we can advise on

Personal, business & group insurance: life, health, disability, income protection, mortgage protection, trauma, total & permanent disablement, Keyperson Insurance, Share purchase Insurance, Business Insurance

Product providers we may recommend

(now underwritten by UniMed)

Our fees

The actual fee charged to you will depend on the nature and scope of the advice or service provided through Assura Group Ltd. I will discuss and agree the actual fees with you before we proceed and explain how they are payable. Particularly for group insurance or training-based services, these fees may be based on a set dollar amount for a fixed term contract or a percentage-based fee for an ongoing contract.

For services relating to insurance, commission may be paid to Assura Group Ltd by the product provider, with the initial commission being a percentage of the initial and renewal insurance premiums.

Other costs

Where other costs are incurred in the process of providing advice and services to you, you will be liable for these costs. These may arise from travel and accommodation costs or venue hire. I will always agree such costs in advance.

Conflicts of interest (if any)

Your interests are my priority and I will always advise you as best as we can. I also have business relationships with product providers. From time to time they provide access to professional development training, workshops and conferences.

I manage these potential conflicts of interest by ensuring your interests are above those of my own. My advice is based on understanding your objectives and circumstances and providing recommendations which are based on research. I have a Register of Conflict which allows me to actively manage any conflicts which arise.

Internal complaints process

If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of my advice or service, please tell me by phoning 0274-579-480 so I can try to fix the problem. Unless there are mitigating circumstances, I will reply to you within 24 hours during a working week.

External complaints process

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or you decide not to use the internal complaints service, you can contact Assura Group’s external disputes resolution scheme:

Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman
PO Box 10-845
Wellington, 6143
Phone 04 499 7612 
Freephone 0800 888 202 

Duties information

I am bound by the duties of the Financial Markets Conduct Act to:

  1. Meet the standards of competence, knowledge and skill set out in the Code of Conduct
  2. Give priority to the clients’ interest
  3. Exercise care, diligence and skill
  4. Meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care set out in the Code of Conduct.